Pastors Seeking
a Church on THE
North Central Ohio District:
We are delighted that you have an interest in pastoring on North Central Ohio District. We exists to advance God’s kingdom. We are fortunate to have a compact geographical area with 63 organized churches, 2 compassionate ministries and four new start congregations in 22 counties in the central and northeastern part of Ohio. Our district stretches from the outskirts of Columbus north to Lake Erie, including the cities of Cleveland, Mansfield, Delaware, Sandusky, Wooster and Ashtabula.
Our congregations range in size from 12-1545 (as reported in 2024), most in rural communities. We have 15 churches averaging over 200 in their worship services. Along with our Arabic and Hispanic congregations in Cleveland, we continue to experience great outreach and blessings through the ministry of Lighthouse, Inc., and their subsidiary ministry of Heaventrain (a big blue bus that takes Jesus into the roughest neighborhoods of Cleveland each weekend) which recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. We are very fortunate to have Mount Vernon Nazarene University as part of our district. Throughout the year, MVNU serves as a resource our ministers and lay leaders through seminars and training events. The University also graciously hosts our assembly and family camp at MVNU each July.
Our district and the pastors who serve with us are very much a family. There is a strong sense of community, love and support for each other. We believe that pastoring (serving as a God-called shepherd) is an awesome privilege and responsibility.
In addition to your resume, we ask each candidate to complete this questionnaire and return it to the district office. This questionnaire may be downloaded into Microsoft Word, saved to your hard drive, completed, and then printed and mailed to the district office with a picture of the pastor and family. You may email the questionnaire for prior consideration; however before a pastor may be called to a ministry assignment the document must be signed and dated.
Before you complete the questionnaire, you need to be appraised that just as you are looking for an exciting place to serve Christ, we are looking for pastors who have a pattern of supporting the global mission of the Church of the Nazarene by paying all assigned budgets in full and who have a record of growth and church health in both the current assignment and previous assignments.
Below you will find a link to the Questionnaire. If you cannot download the questionnaire you may request one be sent to you by mail.
Thank you for your interest in serving on the North Central Ohio district and may God bless your ministry.
Questionnaire (In Word Format) (compensation form only)
(Note: Save the file to your hard drive first, fill in the blanks and send to the district office with a family picture).