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NCO Policies, Procedures and Forms



Standards for Ministers (updated as of 8/24/2021)

Creating a Culture of Confession (as of 9/9/2020)

Restoration Plan (as of 6/8/2021)

Lead Pastor Designation of Beneficiary (as of 11/19/2020)

Vacation/Pay (per Assembly Finance Committee Report)

Maternity/Paternity Leave (per Assembly Finance Committee)

Counseling Policy/Pastors' Safety Network (as of 10/25/2023)

Counseling Policy: Counseling services will be provided for North Central Ohio District Church of the Nazarene clergy, spouses, and dependent children. The District will reimburse up to $500 per person per year for counseling fees after insurance directly to the contracted agencies or to the individual if receipts are submitted. (District Advisory Board 5/20/2021) 
NCO Sabbatical Information (as of 10/10/18) 
Transferring Credentials - if you are coming to the NCO district, please contact your former district (give them your new assignment, home address, phone number and local church membership) and ask them to transfer your credential.  If you are leaving the NCO district, please contact the district office ( and simply provide your new assignment, home address, phone number, district and local church membership. 
Lifelong Learning Hours - per Manual 521.6 A minimum expectation is 20 hours of lifelong learning each year or the equivalent. All assigned and unassigned licensed and ordained ministers shall report on their progress in a program of lifelong learning as part of their report to the district assembly. 
State of Ohio Minister License/Officiating a Marriage in Ohio - click here for information from the Ohio Secretary of State's office

Annual Staff Approval Request Form (Manual paragraph 169.1, 169.2, and 211.13)



Allocations/Amounts (per Assembly Finance Committee)  

Rare Circumstance Form for Capital Campaign Funds

Loans to Churches/Churches Helping Churches   

NCO District Loaning Funds to Church Policy: As a general rule, the NCO district does not loan money to churches. It is the intent that each local church should find ways to fund ministry locally and be good stewards of the resources that God has supplied to them. (Refer to district finance report for further financial information.) (District Advisory Board 5/20/2021)

Criteria for Consideration of Church Closure (as of 10/8/2019)

Maternity/Paternity Leave (per Assembly Finance Committee)

Sabbatical Leave (per Assembly Finance Committee)

Church Health Quarterly Report

Church Health Explanation

Church Health Survey

State of Ohio Articles of Corporation - check your status, download forms to renew or change agent 

501c3 Tax Status Verification Please complete this form to request a 501c3 letter from the General Church.



1099 required for payments over $600

Churches/District should issue an IRS Form 1099 for any payment of $600 or more in a year as a gift, stipend for volunteer services, honorarium,  etc. to an individual (not a corporation). If an IRS Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification is not already on file, the taxpayer will need to complete the form before a check is issued to the taxpayer.

Group Travel Guidelines

Any district sponsored group travel shall be coordinated through the approved travel agency on file at the district office. No individual arrangements are to be made. (District Advisory Board 8/25/2018) Group Travel should be used for all group trips for all ministry departments on our district both domestic and international. They can be reached at:, 407.331.3237, 1.800.499.7516, ext. 5, or

Qualifications for Serving on District Advisory Board/Department Leader 

When a local church has not paid budgets in full for two (2) consecutive years or has not had at least one (1) conversion by profession of faith, no member of that church's congregation may be entered into nomination for district advisory board or ministry department chair. (District Advisory Board 8/2018)

Best Financial Practices for District Ministry Departments/
     Reimbursement/Check Requests/Budget/Large Purchases

District Ministry Department Budgets

If a district ministry department (Children's, NMI, NDI or NYI) should for any reason over spend it's budget in one district year, that same amount will be reduced from the next budget cycle. (District Advisory Board 3/2018)

Mandatory Financial Review for Church in Transition 

When there is a pastoral change at a district church, the District Finance Committee will appoint a representative to conduct a review of the church's financial records, policies and procedures and present a report to the District Superintendent and the District Advisory Board prior to the calling of a new pastor. (District Advisory Board 11/2019)

Property Transfer Agreement 

As a district we uphold the idea that we are “Better Together”.  As such, when a larger church assumes the ministerial work at a smaller congregation’s location; whether that work will be conducted through a merger or closing of the smaller congregation; the larger church would inherit the asset of the smaller churches property at a rate of 20% per year for 5 years.  At the end of 5 years, the property will be considered 100% the asset of the church and would be free to be used in a manner that blesses the congregation, even if that includes liquidating the property for the betterment of their financial picture. (District Finance Committee 7/31/2019)

Advisory/Properties Board forms

(necessary for permission to sell church property, build/remodel, purchase property, borrow money, change church name, establish a line of credit)






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Office Hours

9am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday




602 Martinsburg Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

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